My goal is to work smart. I’m always trying to make my life easier.
last updated 3/25/2018
Here is a list of programs I like on my Mac:
- Firefox Nightly - to help Mozilla improve Firefox
- iTerm2 with Solarized dark theme and powerline-shell and Source Code Pro (powerline)
- Sublime Text 3 with Oceanic Next theme and Source Code Pro font
- Alfred - my favorite macOS launcher
- Spectacle - keyboard shortcuts for window locations and sizes in macOS
- Spotify - for most of my music needs
Command Line:
- homebrew - with cask : the sane package manager for macOS
- fasd - to get quickly between directories
- ag - faster ack
- zsh with oh-my-zsh and the agnoster theme - best shell around
- tmux - mostly on remote boxes
- vim - mostly on remote boxes
- git - for version control
- docker - we live in a containerized world
- ansible - cloudops uses ansible for deployment orchestration
- pyenv - with pyenv-virtualenv for managing Python versions
- rbenv with ruby-build and rbenv-gem-rehash - for managing Ruby versions and gems
- aws-cli - for all the good AWS stuff
- hub - for interfacing with GitHub
Previous tools:
- Atom with Solarized dark theme and Source Code Pro font Back to Sublime Text 3 , and sometimes VSCode (mostly for Rust )
- f.lux - to protect my eyes from myself (I use the macOS builtin now)
- autojump - to get quickly between directories (Replaced with fasd )
- lftp - for segmented downloads (I don’t use FTP much these days)